Zach Reitman



Zach is my current roommate. I met Zach in the first few weeks of college, and we quickly bonded over mutual interests and hours in the gym. Zach and I spend lots of time together, and as such Zach has a unique insight into my character.

Zach‘s Perspective

My friendship with Neil is a novel one for me. While I have not known him for nearly as long as many others, the lessons I have learned from our shared experiences have made an impact on me that I know will serve me well as I mature. I would love to pick out one moment where I can pinpoint exactly what happened and how it impacted me, but the fact of the matter is that I cannot. There is no one profound moment where he has drastically changed my outlook on life, but it is Neil’s persistence and determination that motivates me to be a more diligent student, a more thoughtful worker, and a more caring person.

As Neil’s roommate, I see how ambitious Neil’s goals are in his career, in his training, and in his relationships. Every day I see him take on class assignments I can barely comprehend, and, upon finishing, he gets up and makes his way to his MMA gym to train while still making time to grab dinner with high school friends right after making some progress on his personal projects. Neil’s ability to succeed in multiple complex tasks shows me that the goals I have for myself are more than attainable. This adeptness in motivation and drive to succeed makes Neil a strong candidate for, not only an internship but a high-level position.